What is the International Trade Union Confederation?

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), an international organization of trade unions, founded on November 1, 2006. It was established at a congress in Vienna by the trade unions that were dissolved the day before: the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the World Labor Confederation , gathered unions close to various ideological trends, a total of 311 organizations (from 155 countries and territories), numbering about 175 million people. (from Poland – NSZZ „Solidarność” and OPZZ).

The statutory goals of the ITUC are to organize democratic and independent trade unions, collective bargaining, improving the working and living conditions of employees, fighting for human rights, freedom, peace and democracy.

The ITUC will pursue these goals through:

  • promoting and defending the rights and interests of trade unions: fighting for respecting fundamental labor rights, publicizing the violation of trade union freedom, fighting for full employment and social security, eliminating all forms of discrimination;
  • promoting the development and strength of an independent and democratic trade union movement: practical support for the numerical and organizational development of trade union movements, supporting activities to increase the representativeness of employees in trade unions;
  • seeking a fair distribution of wealth and income
  • protection of the natural environment,
  • universal access to public services
  • work to strengthen the ILO and the universal application of international labor standards
  • cooperation with the Global Union Federations (GUFs) and TUAC: promoting and supporting the coordination of international trade union policy, actions towards transnational enterprises, social dialogue with international employers’ organizations
  • promoting the equality and rights of women and their full participation in union activities at all levels
  • combating racism, xenophobia and social exclusion, defending the rights of migrant workers
  • integration of young people into the activities of the trade union movement
  • promoting the rights and interests of pensioners
  • mobilizing the resources, forces and talents of member organizations: promoting and organizing solidarity actions, disseminating information, agreeing the terms of the most effective inter-union cooperation, creating links and cooperation with other civil society organizations.

Source: https://encyklopedia.pwn.pl/haslo/Miedzynarodowa-Konfederacja-Zwiazkow-Zawodowych;4657967.html

Source: http://www.solidarnosc.org.pl/dzialalnosc-miedzynarodowa/organizacje-miedzynarodowe/mkzz

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