What is diversity in the workplace?

In the HR industry, we have been saying for years that strengthening diversity in the company, inclusive culture and preventing exclusion are not the insuch of EU institutions, organisations supporting women’s rights or people with disabilities, but a necessity for any organisation that wants to grow and succeed. Meanwhile, according to a survey conducted by the Forum for Responsible Business, the Institute of Organization and Management in Industry „ORGMASZ” and PBS in 2019, only just over half of polish companies surveyed (51%) activities that can be defined as diversity management policies. It is therefore worrying that almost half of companies do not do so.

Diversity in the workplace refers to the differences between individuals employed in a company as a result of the way a person identifies himself or herself and how others perceive them. This therefore includes m.in. gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, education, family status, ethnicity or health status (perceived mainly through disability), as well as various competences, talents, jobs, various work experiences or even seniority. Diversity can also be important from the point of view of the organisation: values, working styles, learning or communication, ways of resolving conflicts, as well as professional aspirations. Proper diversity management and inclusive culture bring a number of benefits to organisations.

Source: https://employerbranding.pl/roznorodnosc-w-miejscu-pracy-dlaczego-warto/

Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie z Norwegii poprzez Fundusze Norweskie 2014-2021, w ramach programu „Dialog społeczny – godna praca”.

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