What are the benefits of managing the variety in your company?

  • Attracting talent and the image of the employer

Organisations that are geared towards recruiting diverse staff thus open up to a larger pool of candidates – e.g. apprentices from universities other than top universities or forklift operators recruited from among women. This increases the chances of recruiting employees with the competences we care about, while reducing the time needed to fill vacancies, which reduces recruitment costs.

Diversity in a potential employer is also highlighted by the candidates themselves.  Numerous market studies show that around two thirds of candidates declare that a diverse team is important to them when considering job vacancies. An organisation with diverse teams is perceived by current and potential employees as a good and trusting employer.

  • Customer understanding and organization flexibility

Diverse teams also include access to a wide, non-obvious, spectrum of competences and experience, giving you the opportunity to better understand your customers, their needs or problems – and enable them to operate at a high level. Thanks to the diverse skills and prospects of employees, it is possible to better match products and services to diverse customers, as well as to find niche areas or go to new markets. Diverse teams (as long as they can freely exchange knowledge) also have the ability to adapt more quickly to change, resulting in the adaptability of the entire organization. Proper diversity management can therefore be an important element of competitive advantage.

  • Employee loyalty and better business decisions

Attitudes towards diversity have a positive effect not only on attracting, but also on the retention of talent. In organisations with an inclusive culture open to diversity, employees feel more at ease, have favourable conditions for professional development, knowledge and experience sharing. They can also make better use of their talents, which fosters creativity and innovation, as well as increases employer loyalty and job satisfaction. According to research conducted by Cloverpop (the report „Hacking Diversity with Inclusive Decision-Making”) along with greater diversity of the team, the effectiveness of decisions is also increasing. Teams made up of men only in 58% of cases made better business decisions than a single person, while gender-diverse teams performed better than 73% of individuals. Teams that were ethnically and culturally diverse consisted of people of different genders and with at least one age difference over 20 years of age were most successful, up to 87% of cases making better business decisions than a single person

  • Financial results

According to an analysis by BCG in 2018 (described in the article „How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation”) the revenues of companies with diverse management were 19% higher than competition managed by homogeneous groups. This was also confirmed by research conducted by McKinsey&Company in 2019 (diversity wins: How inclusion matters report). Companies with the highest gender diversity in management teams were 25% more likely to achieve better financial results than companies where the board was the most homogeneous. In addition, it was noted that the greater the representation of women (over 30%), the greater the likelihood of achieving better results. Ethnic and cultural diversity has also had a positive impact on companies’ financial performance. Companies in the top quartile performed 36% better than those in the fourth quarter. A 2014 study for the ISS (diversity adds millions to the ISS bottom line report) found that differences can be seen even at the level of individual teams – groups with a greater gender, age and nationality diversity generate revenues that are on average 3.7% higher than homogeneous groups.

Source: https://employerbranding.pl/roznorodnosc-w-miejscu-pracy-dlaczego-warto/

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