How do trade unions function in Norway?

Trade unions are organizations of workers from one or more enterprises. Their main task is to improve the working conditions and remuneration of employees. In Norway, individual trade unions unite into larger associations called federations. Four largest trade union federations can be distinguished:

  • Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO) – Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions,
  • Hovedorganisasjonen for universitets og høyskoleutdannede (Unio) – The main organization for people with university and higher education,
  • Yrkesorganisasjones Sentralforbund (YS) – Central Federation of Trade Unions,
  • Akademikerne – Academic Trade Union.

Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (Landsorganisasjonen i Norge)

It is the largest trade union organization in Norway. Its main tasks include:

  • providing legal protection to members of the organization,
  • remuneration adequate to the performed duties and experience,
  • improvement of working conditions in the private and public sectors.

Benefits of participating in the organization:

  • certainty of receiving full remuneration from the employer,
  • impact on working conditions and the amount of remuneration,
  • the right to a longer holiday period,
  • contact with the community working in the same profession.

Hovedorganisasjonen for universitets og høyskoleutdannede (Unio)

is an independent confederation of trade unions for people with university and higher education. The organization’s website is here. Main assumptions:

  • improvement of working conditions and wages, ensuring social and economic security for members of the organization,
  • expanding knowledge of social life, conducting market research,

Central Federation of Trade Unions (YS)

It is an independent workers’ organization. The federation is based on:

  • closeness – each member of the organization has the right to direct contact with an employee of the management board,
  • diversity – people working in various professions have the right to membership,
  • courage – the organization has an independent voice and a clearly defined position on matters concerning its members,
  • vigor – the organization takes steps to expand the area of ​​its activity.
  • Federation Status:
  • the organization is an independent association of employees,
  • organizations affiliated with the federation include: public authorities, employers’ organizations, other entities interested in cooperation,
  • the federation aims to create an agreement between related entities.

Academic Trade Union (Akademikerne)

Area of ​​activity of the federation:

  • labor market policy,
  • working conditions,
  • salaries,
  • education,
  • the right to a pension for self-employed people.
  • The main benefits of union membership include:
  • protection against unlawful dismissal (read more about lawful dismissal here),
  • assistance in resolving conflicts with the employer,
  • fight for improvement of working conditions and higher remuneration,
  • the possibility of receiving help in the event of a sudden fortuitous event (e.g. inability to work due to an accident) (read more about accidents at work in Norway at this address),
  • the possibility of concluding an additional insurance package,
  • legal aid.


Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Supported by Norway through Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.

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