Are Poles afraid of artificial intelligence?

Every fifth Polish employee (22.22%) does not feel fears related to the development of technology, considering their industry to be resistant to changes in the future. This is according to ADP’s „People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View” report, where almost half of respondents (49.03%) consider the IT sector to be the most resilient to the challenges of the future. On the other hand, one in eight Poles (12.27%) aged 45-54 does not consider any profession to be resistant to changes in the future.

Almost all employees wonder if the growing popularity of artificial intelligence is putting its work into question. According to research, 14.55% of Poles expect that in the next five years the number of their responsibilities will decrease due to the growing popularity of solutions based on artificial intelligence. This belief is expressed by 16.32% of men and 12.08% of women.

22.22% of Polish employees maintain that the future of their industry is certain, with the largest number, as many as 45.58%, agreeing with people aged 55 and over. Similarly, as many as one in five respondents (22.27%) are considering changing jobs due to the lack of prospects in their current profession. Such a belief is most often expressed by the youngest people on the labour market, aged 18-24 (25.72%).

Employees with the most experience in the workforce are not so concerned about competition from technology because they have experienced many revolutions over the years of their careers that were supposed to replace their jobs. In practice, however, this has not been the case, which is why they are more cautious about any reports of innovations that are supposed to revolutionise the labour market.

In Poland, various industries are considered to be resistant to the progressive development of technology. According to press data, almost every second respondent (49.03%) points to the IT industry. Importantly, a high percentage of employees in this sector (as many as 76.88%) and 53.85% of people associated with the media/information share this belief. Other industries considered safe by Polish employees are those in the professional services sector (29.79%) and finance and real estate (25.35%). On the other hand, occupations related to the public sector (9.13%) and the hotel industry (8.76%) are considered to be the least resilient to future challenges.

While it is a fact that AI technologies will continue to evolve, their true value will be revealed when combined with the human factor when they become a tool in the hands of specialists. Growing concerns about the development of artificial intelligence and the fear of losing their jobs have a negative impact on the psyche and emotions of many employees, which in turn translates into less commitment and efficiency in their duties.


Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Supported by Norway through Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.

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