What is the result of NTT’s „Future of Work” research?

Research conducted by NTT shows that employers and employees have a completely different vision about the future of work. As many as 79% of managers are of the opinion that employees prefer stationary work. Meanwhile, only 38.9% of respondents want to work like this.

The pandemic has brought a slew of new challenges for employers and reduced employee satisfaction, according to research conducted by NTT Ltd., a provider of technology and solutions for companies. Nearly 1200 interviews conducted in 23 countries show an almost universal consensus that remote work brings serious difficulties. As many as 81.5 percent of respondents admit that working from home has become a challenge to the effectiveness of the organization. What’s more, divergent opinions of leaders, managers and employees indicate insufficient knowledge about how to find oneself in today’s reality, what the future of work should look like and how to take care of it.

The authors of the study point m.in a significant variation in employees’ attitudes towards the preferred mode of work in the future. The data shows that when employees have a choice: the ability to work remotely from home, work in a hybrid or stationary system, opinions differ quite a lot. A given model is chosen by 30 percent, 30 percent and 39 percent of employees, respectively. Most importantly, however, this result contradicts the belief expressed by as many as 79 percent of organizations that believe that employees prefer to work in a stationary mode. As many as three-quarters of companies expect (74.8%) that employees will work from the office for at least half of the week. Only 1/5 are of the opinion (21.2%) that employees can work remotely for most of the week.

According to the authors of the report, the research clearly shows how far the expectations of employees and employers diverge.  Not only in this aspect. According to NTT data, as many as 64.4 percent of CEOs in the world are very satisfied with the organization’s ability to build positive employee experiences. On the other hand, only 23.3% of people share this opinion in operational divisions.

„During the pandemic, many companies have done their hard work implementing technological solutions and adapting to the requirements of hybrid work. In the meantime, however, there were many problems resulting from the complexity and lack of integration of technologies, which, according to the assumptions, were supposed to facilitate work, and in practice very often hindered it. The multitude and inconsistency of procedures used for remote communication solutions meant that productivity and employee satisfaction decreased. The gap between the lack of understanding between employees and employers is deepening – points out Dorota Danieluk, Head of HR at NTT.

NTT research shows that only 23 percent of employees are very satisfied with working for the current company. At the same time, only 38% of respondents say that employers care about their health and well-being. According to the authors of the study, these are very worrying results, especially in a situation where we are dealing with an employee market on the market.

„Over the past few months, the employers’ narrative has focused primarily on remote work and the technological adaptation of the organization to the new requirements set by the pandemic. The real needs of employees are one much more complex. The lack of their accurate assessment and proper response is a serious threat to the organization. Many of them are still unaware that connectivity and communication have become key issues in determining the level of employee satisfaction and that the burden of employer branding activities is increasingly shifting towards IT departments.  The level of employee satisfaction depends more and more on their actions – says Danieluk.

According to experts, companies around the world are currently struggling with mass staff departures, because the ties between employers and employees are loosening. The trend of the so-called Great Resignation is visible especially in the United States, but it is also becoming more and more severe for European employers. According to last year’s Microsoft research, as many as 40 percent of employees are considering changing jobs. In turn, the PricewaterhouseCoopers study indicates an even larger scale of the phenomenon. As many as 65% of respondents admitted that they are looking for a new job.

Source: https://www.prawo.pl/kadry/praca-po-pandemii-wizje-pracodawcow-i-pracownikow-diametralnie,512998.html

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