What is networking and how to build a network of contacts?

A strong and long-term relationship is based on commitment, respect, openness, but also common values. This applies to both private and professional contacts, which is proven by the idea of networking, which is very popular not only in Poland, but also around the world.

Networking – what is it? This term is called business relationships that are established for the purposes of cooperation, possible exchange of knowledge or sharing of skills. It is a form of closer, trust-based acquaintance, in which both parties benefit and pursue their goals.

Contrary to appearances, networking must be based on a lasting and open relationship – both in business and outside it. Examples of networking are, m.in, industry meetings and events, exchange of business cards, conversations during conferences.

To find yourself in the world of networking, you need to understand that it is not only a simple and short mechanism of exchanging business cards. What counts here is not the quantity, but the quality of the network of contacts, which should be inspiring, developmental and based on honesty.

Networking in its idea is one of the cheapest ways to develop – both in business and personal terms. When establishing relationships, not only does the circle of friends expand, but also increases the knowledge that can be used in future projects. Ultimately, the aim is to create a circle with which it is worth talking, working, carrying out tasks and broadening one’s horizons.

Networking meetings should be spontaneous and natural, i.e. they should not be planned under duress or out of a sense of duty. Thanks to this, it is possible to acquire clients, colleagues and partners ready for a long-term, interdependent relationship. What is crucial – networking allows you to obtain recommendations that are necessary to build the position of an expert in a given industry.

Building a network of contacts is a complex process, requiring time, commitment, but also openness. Networking meetings most often take place during breaks at conferences, during trainings, as well as after parties

Originally, the term „networking” was used only in the context of face-to-face meetings. This restrictive approach is due to the fact that building relationships usually takes the time needed to demonstrate their competence. So it’s important to connect with other entrepreneurs who already have networking experience and will allow us to enter this world.

Nowadays, the idea of networking meetings has also moved to the online world, which certainly breaks many existing barriers. It is forums and thematic groups in social media that enable successive meeting of people, e.g. with the same interests, similar professional experience and already built network of contacts. Building relationships with such people is based on regularity and boldness in asking questions, exchanging views and then maintaining these relationships. The ideal place for remote networking is Facebook, LinkedIn, GoldenLine and increasingly also Instagram.

Building friendships in the idea of networking should be based on naturalness and sincerity. Acquiring knowledge, exchanging experiences and possible further profits are possible only if the relationship is based on full trust and cooperation. Self-interest and artificial image building is a slippery slope that can bring completely different effects.

Relationships created as part of networking allow you to find a good, trusted colleague who, in addition to having knowledge and reputation, is also an open, empathetic partner for conversations. Shaping such an image is a simple way to further benefits, i.e. acquiring new contractors and customers. Recommendations and good name in the industry inspire trust and facilitate future negotiations, and regular networking meetings improve the search for new employees and build a team based on the same values.

Finally, it is worth remembering that gaining knowledge among experts and specialists is a quick and cheap way to new skills and knowledge. Exchanging views, analyzing the industry, as well as the opportunity to ask questions are a great way to broaden your horizons. Networking itself is a stage for building self-confidence, overcoming many fears, getting recommendations and solving troubling problems.

Without a doubt, networking is an extremely important step towards the development of the entire company and its employees. Therefore, it is worth taking part in it, especially when there is a real chance to get recommendations or new inspirations. However, it should be remembered that this is a long-term process that requires patience and reliability. Only in this way will the benefits of the relationship be truly lucrative.

Source: https://www.ey.com/pl_pl/workforce/na-czym-polega-networking-i-jak-budowac-siec-kontaktow

Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Supported by Norway through Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.

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