What is kangaroo negotiation?

Kangaroo is a mammal from the subfamily kangaroos in the kangaroo family. The body length of males (without a tail) can reach up to 230 cm, and their mass can reach up to 90 kg. Females are slightly smaller and lighter. But we also have wallabies, called small kangaroos. Also mammals, from the same family and subfamily. Females weigh about 20 kg and measure (without tail) up to approx. 60 cm. Males are slightly larger and heavier.

Kangaroo and valabia can not walk backwards. Their legs are built in such a way that a backward movement is simply impossible. No force or argument will make a kangaroo or a wallabia move backwards.

Now imagine the following situation – two people in a very narrow passage. They cannot pass, nor can they turn, one side simply has to retreat and give way to the other.

Now we assume that in this narrow passage we meet with a kangaroo And therefore the described situation illustrates the impossibility of withdrawing, or turning back, or withdrawing.

Negotiating for a kangaroo is the inability to meet the demands or expectations of the other party. In order to establish and authenticate this inability during negotiations, one must invoke some undeniable fact/phenomenon/regulation/law.


  • If, during the contract negotiations, it turns out that certain provisions desired by our opponents are simply incompatible with our law, we will not dwell on it. We will state a fact. We will not go back, we will not consider it, we will not negotiate.
  • If cooperation with a new Supplier would require a change in the entire IT system in our company, we are unlikely to establish this cooperation. We inform the other party about it, because there is simply nothing to negotiate here.
  • If the product that we would buy (and on its resale to get a standard margin) requires storage in special conditions (e.g. low temperature), and we do not have such conditions in our warehouse, then most likely we will not take this product. This is not our area of business activity and it just needs to be said.

So we use the „kangaroo” method when there is a situation that we simply can not give way.

However, let us not abuse such an attitude, because our opponents will notice that our „I cannot” is not an impossibility but is a reluctance….

And let’s remember that in addition to kangaroos, there are also wallabies. Although they are also unable to move backwards, they are small and light enough to be carried or moved.

Thus, problems of a smaller caliber, or issues of large and difficult, but depending on our actions and decisions, we always try with our negotiating partners:

  • discuss
  • explain
  • discuss

we also try:

  • search for new ideas and solutions
  • tailor solutions to both sides
  • agree on exits satisfactory for all participants in the negotiation process.

Source: https://poradniknegocjatora.pl/negocjowanie-na-kangura/

Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie z Norwegii poprzez Fundusze Norweskie 2014-2021, w ramach programu „Dialog społeczny – godna praca”.

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