What should protective clothing be like when working as a beekeeper?

Everyday work surrounded by bees requires not only appropriate competences, but also appropriate clothing. It must meet several characteristics. First of all, beekeeping clothing is supposed to be comfortable to wear, even in high temperature or during rainfall, and in no way can it limit the freedom of movement. In addition, its main task is to ensure safety and protection against stings. And so the beekeeping outfit consists of three basic elements: a beekeeping suit, a beekeeping hat and beekeeping gloves.

The suit for beekeepers is quite distinctive and may seem too big at first glance. It is deliberately looser and protrudes from the body, because in this way it reduces susceptibility to possible stings. In addition, the beekeeping suit is made of airy and light material, usually a mixture of cotton and linen. Many models have extra material around the neck and elastic cuffs on the sleeves and legs to prevent bees from getting under the suit. Removing and putting on this element of the beekeeping outfit is facilitated by solid zippers.

Every beekeeper is well aware of the importance of head and face protection. Therefore, an integral part of the work outfit is a beekeeping hat with a net. The hat is quite spacious and connects to the suit, creating great protection against stings.

The last element, but as important as the previous ones, are beekeeping gloves – leather, rubber or canvas. It is important that they are high, with sleeves, blocking the bees’ access to the body. The gloves ensure safety even when in contact with aggressive bees. Selected models have Velcro and welts to help adjust them to the width of the wrist.

Beekeeping clothes, or rather their color, have a significant impact on bees. It turns out that they perfectly see white, black, blue and yellow, but not so much green and red. Therefore, it is better to choose protective clothing for beekeepers in visible colors. Otherwise, these insects can get angry and behave aggressively. Interestingly, dark colors can also cause aggression, so it is better to bet on visible but bright colors. Hairy, fluffy clothes, to which bees could accidentally stick, and uncovered hair are not recommended.

How else can you reduce the risk of being stung? First of all, do not make sudden movements, shout loudly, fend off bees or bump into hives. Unwelcome, or rather unwelcome, are also sharp smells – strong perfumes, the smell of alcohol, sweat, kerosene or chemicals. By the way, it is good to remember not to wear a beekeeping suit outside the apiary – so that it does not soak up foreign smells. The mood of bees also depends on the season. In spring, they are milder, but this changes already in the second half of summer.

The work of a beekeeper always involves the risk of stings. It is mandatory for every breeder to know the rules of first aid for a bee sting. And so, the most important thing is, of course, to remove the stinger – an object with straight edges, for example, an ATM card. It is better not to use tweezers, because when pulling out and squeezing the stinger, even more venom can enter the body. It is also recommended to remove all jewelry – in case the body starts to swell.

Then rinse the sting site with cold water and cover with ice. You can also apply gel after bites, and in case of pain, take a painkiller. It is essential to observe this area and keep it clean so that infection does not occur.

However, if it turns out that the person stung by a bee shows allergy symptoms, we remove the stinger and immediately call an ambulance. What are the symptoms? Among other things, hives, breathing problems, swelling around the face, tongue, hands, tightness in the throat, loss of consciousness, fainting or accelerated heart rate.

In conclusion, working with any living animal requires a lot of attention, experience and knowledge of their behavior. Appropriate protective clothing is necessary for a beekeeper to reduce the risk of being stung. He should also know the rules of work in the apiary perfectly, so as not to upset the bees and not disturb them in their work. The risk of being stung can be minimized, but never completely eliminated. That is why it is so important to know what to do and first aid in case of too close contact with a bee sting.


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