What is the KPP course?

Nowadays, attention to safety is becoming more and more important, both in everyday life and in the workplace. One of the key elements in ensuring safety is the ability to provide first aid. That is why an increasing number of people decide to participate in the KPP course, i.e. a qualified first aid course.

This is a specialized course that aims to teach participants how to effectively provide help in emergency situations requiring advanced medical intervention. The qualified first aid course is addressed both to people working in various industries and to anyone interested in improving their high qualifications in first aid. In some professions, KPP training is necessary to start working.

The qualified first aid course for paramedics is an intensive and comprehensive training that prepares professionals to provide qualified first aid. This KPP training is useful in both pre-hospital and hospital settings. The aim of this course is to improve skills and raise standards of medical care in emergency situations.

The KPP course includes:

  • Advanced resuscitation techniques: The training covers advanced resuscitation techniques in adults, children and infants, including the use of monitored defibrillators and advanced circulatory and respiratory support procedures.
  • Management of multi-organ injuries: Course participants acquire knowledge and skills regarding complicated medical cases, such as multi-organ injuries, requiring comprehensive assessment and quick intervention.
  • Operating specialized medical equipment: Paramedics learn to operate specialized medical equipment, such as ventilators, monitored defibrillators, and devices for conducting advanced medical procedures.
  • Advanced wound care procedures: The course covers advanced techniques of wound dressing, bandaging and stabilization of fractures and injuries, taking into account the specificity of pre-hospital situations.
  • Cardiac arrest management: Paramedics gain the skills to diagnose and effectively treat cardiac arrest, including the use of advanced life support procedures.
  • Invasive procedures: The course includes instruction in performing certain invasive procedures, such as establishing venous access and conducting advanced medical procedures in a pre-hospital setting.
  • Advanced Management Protocols: Participants gain knowledge of more advanced management protocols for a variety of medical situations, including surgical cases and cardiovascular disorders.
  • Simulations of medical scenarios: The course includes simulations of realistic medical situations, allowing paramedics to practice their skills in conditions close to real ones.
  • Communication in difficult situations: The course places great emphasis on the ability to communicate effectively in difficult situations, both with the patient and with other members of the rescue team.
  • Examination and certification: After completing the course, participants pass an exam and, after passing it, receive a certificate confirming their qualifications in advanced first aid.

Qualified first aid classes are conducted by experienced instructors who have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience in providing first aid. Instructors ensure that the training is interactive, engaging and adapted to the various situations participants may encounter.

It should also be emphasized that each KPP course is conducted based on the administrative decision of the voivode. The qualified first aid course is completed with a state exam. If the participant receives a positive result, he or she will receive a certificate of obtaining the title of lifeguard. It is worth noting that this lifeguard title is valid for 3 years from passing the exam.

After completing the course, participants are subjected to an exam checking their skills in providing qualified first aid. The exam consists of a theoretical and practical part, covering potential situations using phantoms and specialized equipment.

During the theoretical exam, participants answer questions about anatomy, physiology and first aid procedures and techniques. This tests their theoretical preparation to provide assistance in emergency situations.

In the practical part, participants must demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. For this purpose, they are put into various exemplary situations during which they must effectively help the injured.


Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Supported by Norway through Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.

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