What impact does air quality have on the quality of work?

As many as 88% of respondents to the latest survey of Pracuj.pl users believe that air quality can affect their overall well-being and the quality of their work. Almost a third of respondents indicate that poor air quality in their city or district can affect both their housing and professional decisions. Although whether a company cares about the environment is not crucial when choosing an employer, many candidates pay attention to this issue.

Research clearly shows that air pollution has an impact on reducing the quality of our lives, but also of our work. In Poland, this problem may turn out to be particularly acute due to the fact that many cities are ranked first in the rankings of the most polluted locations in the world, and the situation on the local market still leaves much to be desired.

In order to check the attitude of Polish employees to pro-ecological activities carried out by their employers or potential employers, Pracuj.pl conducted a survey in which 555 users of the website participated. This action was taken on the occasion of the next edition of cooperation between the Pracuj Group and the Polish Smog Alarm. As part of it, the organization supports anti-smog activities, including the process of eliminating the so-called air polluting stoves, and has also taken patronage over the ranking of furnace replacement in Warsaw and its surroundings.

– A commitment to the environment reflects a broader understanding of corporate social responsibility that takes into account the well-being of employees, communities and future generations. By engaging in supporting the activities of the Polish Smog Alert, we want to show that caring for air quality should be important for each of us, because it affects our private and professional lives. A focus on sustainability is increasingly important to a diverse range of stakeholders, including customers, investors, and potential employees, who are more aware of environmental issues than ever before. We hope that more and more companies will take actions that have an impact on the environment in which we live and work,” says Anna Goreń, Senior PR and CSR Specialist at Grupa Pracuj.

The „Air quality at work” survey shows that Polish organizations still have a lot to do in terms of implementing pro-ecological strategies. As many as 24 per cent.  of the surveyed employees declare that they do not know whether their company takes any initiatives in this area. To make matters worse, almost as many respondents (23 percent) indicate that their company does not take any action in this regard.

In terms of pro-environmental initiatives, the largest number of organizations represented by employees participating in the survey (39 per cent) focus on waste reduction, proper waste segregation and recycling. 17% of all respondents declare that their organizations carry out activities aimed at reducing the emission of harmful substances.

Some organizations focus on educating their teams. 12% of respondents indicated that their company organizes educational campaigns and training for employees about the impact of their activities on air quality and how to minimize the negative impact. In addition, 1 in 10 employees declare that their organization promotes ecological transport and implements facilities for cyclists. Exactly the same number of respondents indicated that their companies invest in a fleet of electric vehicles.

Only 5% of respondents indicated that air quality monitoring sensors are installed in their workplace and that the results are available to employees.

When asked whether they pay attention to whether the company they are applying to takes action to protect the environment when choosing an employer, the respondents emphasize that it is good if such activities occur, but it is not a disadvantage for them if the organization does not carry them out (32 per cent). For another 26% of respondents, this is an important issue, but it is not crucial when choosing an employer. 1 in 10 respondents declare that it is very important to them. Almost 1/3 of the respondents indicated that this issue is not important to them.

Polish employees are aware of the impact that polluted air has on their daily functioning. 88% of respondents believe that air quality can affect their overall well-being or the quality of their work. Only 1 in 10 respondents disagrees with this statement.

– As the Polish Smog Alert, we strive to ensure that the quality of the air breathed by the residents of Polish does not threaten their health and life. Improving air quality is the responsibility of both central and local authorities, as well as the residents themselves. Companies can also play an important role – they can not only educate their employees in this area, but also support them in everyday choices that contribute to improving air quality, such as the way they commute to work. That is why we appreciate the commitment of Grupa Pracuj to improving air quality – this is a topic that is important to all of us – emphasizes Anna Dworakowska, co-founder of the Polish Smog Alarm.

When asked which means of transport they choose on their way to work, respondents still most often declare that it is a car (56 per cent). However, there is a large group of people who decide on other solutions. 37% of respondents declare that they commute to work by public transport: tram, bus, train or metro. Almost 1/4 of employees commute to work by bicycle and 17% walk.

15% of the respondents do not concern the issue of commuting due to the fact that they perform their duties remotely.

Employers also have room for action in this area. As many as 43% of respondents declare that if their employer offered financing or co-financing for a city card or a long-term ticket, they would be more likely to use public transport on their way to work. At the same time, 36% of respondents will not be encouraged to change their habits in this way – they declare that the subsidy will not convince them to use public transport. On the other hand, 1/5 of the respondents declare that they rely on public transport on a daily basis, regardless of the employer’s support.

A positive trend in Polish companies turns out to be the support of cyclists. As many as 60% of the respondents indicated that their employer provides facilities encouraging them to choose a bicycle as a means of transport to the workplace (such as bicycle parking, changing rooms, showers). As you can see, this is a practice that works. Among those who do not have this kind of facilities for cyclists at the moment, many people would be convinced to change their habits. If the employer provided facilities for commuting to work by bike, it would encourage 46% of the surveyed employees to choose this means of transport. The remaining 54 per cent would not choose to come by bicycle after all.

73% of respondents believe that supporting remote work to minimize the need to commute to the office and reduce emissions related to employee mobility has a significant impact on air quality.

Almost half (48 per cent) of the surveyed Polish employees pay attention to air quality messages in the media on a daily basis. What’s more, 40 percent.  of respondents try to limit going out as much as possible when the air quality is bad or very bad. 21% of respondents indicate that they have an app on their phone where they regularly check the air quality. Nearly 1 in 10 employees indicate that when the air quality is poor or very bad, they try to work remotely.

Source:  https://www.prawo.pl/kadry/wplyw-jakosci-powietrza-na-jakosc-pracy-badanie,525673.html

Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Supported by Norway through Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.

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