What is Solidaritet?

Solidaritet is a trade union founded by Poles for Poles working in Norway.

Since 28.01.2014 it has been continuously acting in the interest of its  members. For more than 2 years, it effectively provides assistance to members who require the support of professionals. The impetus for the establishment of the Solidaritet trade union was the problems encountered by the initiators of the union, which they experienced in the workplaces in Norway. Solidaritet was created on the initiative of President Artur Kubik and his deputy Wojciech Rysi, who, inspired by the achievements of the trade union „Solidarność” as well as the knowledge and experience of the Norwegian racy market, began to provide support to injured employees.

At present, not only citizens of The European Union can sign up Polish Solidaritet, but anyone who feels uncomfortable at work due to the unwritten actions of Norwegian employers. In addition to ad hoc assistance to individual union members, Solidaritethas  won more than 30 lawsuits.

Source: https://solidaritetnorge.no/kim-jestesmy

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