What competences are most often acquired in Poland?

As many as 64% of Polish employees want to improve their competences, but only 16% choose traditional methods of education. From studies or full-time training, they prefer to learn online. In addition, the most important for Poles are language, digital and productivity skills at work. This is according to the latest Data from GoodHabitz, which was analyzed by Kodilla.com.

Currently, only 1 in 6 employees (16%) want to acquire new competences by choosing traditional forms of training, according to a survey conducted by GoodHabitz in December 2021 on a group of 14,671 respondents from 13 European countries (Poland – 1045 respondents, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Bulgaria, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, England). Face to face learning is as unpopular as learning from colleagues, which is also indicated by 16% of employees. Slightly more, because 21%, speaks positively about the so-called blended learning.

– It is a mixed method of education, combining traditional learning (direct contact with the teacher) with activities conducted remotely (e-learning). Currently, however, online learning prevails among Polish and European employees. The desire to develop at home is a natural result of the pandemic, as well as changes in work and functioning models – explains Daniel Idźkowski, country director from GoodHabitz, a European platform offering online training.

Research shows that 37% of Polish employees treat online learning as the most desirable form of acquiring new competences. In addition, as many as 48% of people would like to learn through practice, and 32% – through courses and tutorials on the YouTube channel. Proposing only one learning format is no longer enough, and staff and students want to be able to choose. The way of education also depends on individual predispositions, for some the ideal solution will be a podcast, for others a video with an expert or the possibility of solving tests.

This information is confirmed by Magdalena Rogóż, an IT market expert from the Kodilla.com programming school: – Our internal data shows that more and more people are interested in learning online. Interestingly, these are people who are getting younger. Previously, this form of education was used by people over 30 years of age, who already had their home and professional duties on their heads. Now students are also learning. If, on the other hand, someone decides to participate in the training, he usually chooses a course with practical projects, so that he can master these practical skills as best as possible.

– Currently, YouTube, Instagram or other media offer a lot of formats for content consumption. Education must not be left behind. A user accustomed to engaging and diverse information needs equally attractive opportunities for personal development or increasing their competences – adds Daniel Idźkowski.

A study conducted by GoodHabitz shows that employees today focus on personal development. Importantly, for the most part, they expect support from their bosses in this area. For 71% of Europeans, learning and personal development are very important. Slightly fewer Poles want to improve their competences (64%).

Every second employee also believes that it is the employer who should provide them with access to training. The lack of tools and development opportunities within the organization will result in a loss of motivation and, consequently, greater openness to change jobs.

And if they want to educate themselves, then from what? – First of all, languages – explains Daniel Idźkowski. English, but also German and Spanish, took the highest place on the podium (31%). This is due to the international working environment and the fact that we are increasingly working remotely in distributed teams, and English has become the primary means of communication.

„In Poland, we have more and more specialists who manage teams around the world, starting from Europe through America, going to India or the Philippines. Therefore, the priority for both employees and companies is to develop language competences. At the same time, knowledge of one language is the absolute minimum today. Among the key competences on which Poles focus today are leadership competences, management and communication with the team, productivity training, as well as broadly understood personal development. Interestingly, more and more people are expanding their knowledge also about well being or mindfulness, which have gained importance in the era of distance – comments Daniel Idźkowski.

As Magdalena Rogóż adds – just behind language competences were digital skills (29%), which include knowledge of new technologies (e.g. Java, Python, JavaScript). Let’s remember that the IT industry communicates primarily in English, also both categories complement each other to some extent. This also coincides with the above-mentioned data about the fact that Poles are most willing to learn through practice. Programming cannot be learned by focusing only on theory, such a method will not bring the expected results. First of all, you have to code, it’s the only way to the IT world.

What else matters to Poles? 26% of people indicated productivity, i.e. time management training. Excel and Office courses indicated 23%, as did teamwork and management, leadership training, and personal development.

Despite such great desire and enthusiasm for remote learning in relation to other European countries, we are below the European average (39%). Among the 13 countries indicated in the GoodHabitz survey, Poland took only 11th place (37%). The strongest in online learning are Portuguese (45%), British (44%), Swiss (42%) and Swedes (42%).

Magdalena Rogóż from Kodilla.com looks with optimism at the results of the research. „When we look at the results of the Stack Overflow survey from 2015, the most popular service for developers, we see that only 3.5% of respondents indicated programming bootcamps as a source of knowledge. In 2017, there were 9% of them, and in 2019 it was already 15.4%. From year to year, the awareness of people who want to enter the IT industry in this area is increasing. A remote form of learning is primarily a great time saver for people who already have an orderly professional and family life. At the same time, it teaches them to work in such conditions in which they are increasingly likely to work as a programmer.

According to another study conducted by HackerRank, the generation that most often chose bootcamps is Generation Z, i.e. people born between 1997 and 2002. Every sixth „Z” admitted that he learned to code in this way. At the same time, it is a generation that is less likely to learn programming from books or internal training in companies. Experts emphasize that these examples show the evolution taking place in the processes of education. And although online learning or blended learning is not yet the first choice of employees or students, everything indicates that in the coming years such solutions will become the main source of knowledge.

Source: Kodilla.com

Source:  https://kadry.infor.pl/kadry/hrm/szkolenia_i_rozwoj/5428666,Kompetencje-najchetniej-zdobywane-w-Polsce.html

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