Temperature and negotiations?

Numerous studies confirm that high temperature negatively affects our cognitive abilities and ability to concentrate. It also causes impatience and causes fatigue.

Higher temperatures even increase the risk of car accidents. Studies carried out by the ADAC have confirmed that at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, the risk of causing an accident increases.

Psychologist Craig Anderson of Iowa State University has shown that higher temperatures make people more impulsive and prone to negative thoughts/emotions. He conducted research on crime statistics in the US and observed that in temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius there were more cases of domestic violence.

Specialists say that the optimal conditions for work are a temperature oscillating around 18-20 ° C and a constant supply of fresh air.

In the room where the negotiations take place, it should not be warmer than 26 ° C, because at a higher temperature:

  • our ability to concentrate decreases
  • the scale of perception errors increases
  • the level of aggression increases
  • the overall efficiency of the body decreases

So what to do to conduct effective negotiations despite high temperatures? How to keep a cool head and emotions in check when embers are pouring from the sky?

  • divide large topics into smaller thematic blocks
  • start with simpler issues and then move on to more difficult issues
  • organize frequent breaks, during which the gathered have a chance to leave the room or even the building
  • take plenty of fluids (water with mint or basil is recommended)

Source: https://poradniknegocjatora.pl/temperatura-a-negocjacje/

Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie z Norwegii poprzez Fundusze Norweskie 2014-2021, w ramach programu „Dialog społeczny – godna praca”.

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