What forms are used to document the occupational risk assessment in Norway?

In Norway, the risk assessment is documented through the following forms:

  • HAZARD SOURCE MATRIX – GROVMATRISE In the horizontal columns of the Threat Sources Matrix, the sources of threats are entered. In the vertical boxes, however, the stage of occurrence, construction, place or function is entered. Then we label the threats as follows: the letter X denotes those sources which, in combination with a given stage of occurrence, construction, place or function, are significant for the risk, the letter O denotes those sources which, in combination with a given stage of occurrence, construction, place or function, may be significant for the risk.
  • RISK ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM – RISIKODIAGRAM The risk assessment diagram is used to determine which actions should be taken first. The vertical boxes are for probability, and the horizontal ones for consequences. From time to time (e.g. every 5 years) you should determine what the low, medium and high probability means and assign the level of risk according to the actual state. Then the probability level is added to the consequence level.
  • HAZARDS ANALYSIS SHEET – ANALYSIS The hazard analysis sheet is prepared on the basis of the Risk Sources Matrix (Grovmatrise) and the Risk Assessment Diagram (Risikodiagram). The risk source is identified by looking at the number in the horizontal and vertical boxes in the Hazard Sources Matrix, eg 1.3 (first horizontal box and third vertical box). Then, check the probability of this threat and its consequences (high, medium or low). You can start the hazard analysis from the point:

A – harm to people,

B – environmental damage,

C – material / economic losses.

  • ACTION PLAN – HANDLINGSPLAN The action plan should contain the following information:

– The number of the hazard that needs to be reduced or eliminated (starting with the one with the highest priority

– Identification of the risk

– Actions to be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk

– Time limit for completion

– Responsible person

Source: https://quali.no/bhp-norwegia/

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