How to survive the heat at work?

As a rule, the law does not set a maximum temperature limit in work rooms, especially in connection with the heat occurring in summer periods (the exception applies to juveniles – here the limit is 28 ° C and humidity up to 65%). To assess the operating conditions in this aspect, thermal load index (WBGT) measurements are used, taking into account, in addition to the room temperature, also relative humidity and air flow in relation to the energy expenditure at a given workplace. The measurement is related to an eight-hour working time.

It can be estimated that the average temperature at this time, when performing light (office) work in rooms, should not exceed 29 ° C, and in the case of work with moderate effort (the so-called medium-heavy, e.g. warehouse worker’s work using transport equipment and compliance with lifting standards) – on average no more than 26 ° C.

Usually, during the working day, the room gradually heats up from the morning, so the average temperature from the whole day very rarely in our climate approaches the indicated levels. When the air temperature rises sharply, I recommend using more frequent breaks for rest (if possible in an air-conditioned room, but this is not strictly required by law). You can also consider changing working hours (usually to earlier ones) so that most of them fall outside the time of the expected heat. In order to maintain safety, to avoid endangering the health or even life of employees, the energy expenditure at workplaces and the thermal load index (WBGT) should be determined – the latter is measured by authorized laboratories.

Binding decisions on preventive measures are made on the basis of the results of measurements. However, this is not a procedure often practiced, because heat is usually a fairly short-term phenomenon – before the entrepreneur has time to agree on a measurement date, the factual situation is usually normalized. The situation is different if the temperature is high due to the technological processes used (steel mills, bakeries, etc.). A solution often adopted and used by employers are separate rooms with lower temperatures (so-called „rest rooms”), additional breaks at work and providing employees with cold drinks enriched with mineral salts and vitamins.

The employer is obliged to consult with employees or their representatives, in the manner adopted in a given company, activities concerning: recognition and typing of factors harmful to health in the work environment and performing tests, measurements and sampling of these factors at the workplace. In the event of high temperatures, the employer, in addition to the standard obligations arising from the Labor Code and the Construction Law, has additional obligations enshrined in the implementing acts to them, in particular in the regulation on preventive meals and drinks. If the temperature in the work room caused by weather conditions exceeds 28°C (this does not apply to the average temperature, but to the prevailing temperature), the employer provides employees with drinks.

Employees who feel the negative impact of temperature on their well-being (dizziness, shortness of breath, etc.) should report it to their superiors, cool their face with water (use the shower if possible) and rest in a sitting position under supervision (to provide assistance in the event of fainting). If symptoms persist, the employee should be referred to a doctor and, if necessary, an ambulance should be called. Of the preventive solutions – it is advisable to equip workstations with portable fans, protect the windows from the south side with a film reflecting the sun’s rays, take care of airy workwear (e.g. shorts, T-shirt). However, it is not possible to eliminate the required personal protective equipment (e.g. protective footwear, if it is needed at this position) and once again – to provide a large amount of mineral water (min. 2-3 liters per day per employee, drunk often, in small portions). I recommend confirming the validity of the inspection of ventilation devices (frequency indicated in the technical documentation of the devices used). In addition, it is very important to verify the validity of the employee’s preventive examinations.


Region Gdański NSZZ „Solidarność”

Projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie z Norwegii poprzez Fundusze Norweskie 2014-2021, w ramach programu „Dialog społeczny – godna praca”.

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